Photosophy (Blog)

  1. 2016 Ice Storm

    2024-03-29 23:42:50 UTC

  2. Media Monday - “Form and Content Are Closely Related in Media Messages”

    2024-03-11 21:16:31 UTC
    This week I explain Marshall McLuhan’s idea that “the medium is the message” - that each medium can report the same story but create very different impressions. I also explain how this idea is helpful in understanding how other things work, including school. A place where how we do things…

  3. Sunday Morning Musings From The Thought Tub

    2024-03-10 15:20:09 UTC
    There are a lot of “C” words that are connected to being a good teacher (and maybe a good human being?) - compassion, courage, cooperation, community. But the most important, in my opinion, is curiosity. Holding on to your curiosity in the face of the many forces, including school, that…

  4. Media Monday - “The Media Have Social and Political Implications”

    2024-03-10 15:12:13 UTC
    In this week’s video, I discuss the role media plays in electing our leaders and how media involves us in issues around the world - Marshall McLuhan’s “Global Village”. I also try to explain how this concept and the last one work together in something called the “feedback loop”.

  5. Deep Dark Night

    2024-02-27 21:34:15 UTC
    I did some things I don’t normally do on Saturday night. I ventured out on my own. To an all vinyl dance night. The DJ’s were two former students. I was likely the oldest person there. And I danced. And I sat. And I watched the psychedelic light show. And…

  6. Media Monday - “The Media Contain Ideological and Value Messages”

    2024-02-27 21:20:39 UTC
    After taking a week off, #MediaMonday Concept 5 is now up. In it, I discuss how the media reflects and reinforces our worldview, something that is more of a problem today when people choose to create an echo chamber.P.S. I recored the video twice, as I forgot to unmute my…

  7. Media Monday - “The Media Have Commercial Implications”

    2024-02-12 22:57:26 UTC
    This week’s #MediaMonday is now up. In this week’s edition of Media Monday I talk about money and its effects on which stories get told, how they get told and how they are shared. I also talk about how most of our media is owned by a few giant corporations…

  8. Goodbye, Trees

    2024-02-10 19:34:07 UTC
    Yesterday was a tough day around our place. For over 20 years, we were lucky to have the run of the acreage next to us. Last year it was sold and yesterday the new owners started the building process by clearing the forest. We understand why they have to do…

  9. Chi-Cheemaun

    2024-02-08 19:14:21 UTC
    I couldn’t resist pulling over and getting this shot as I headed for Cobble beach early yesterday morning.

  10. Wednesday Wisdom

    2024-02-08 19:12:13 UTC
    I’m going to start adding some of my writing to my posts occasionally, as it’s really all good noise. And it’s what I do. Below is my first.Wednesday Wisdom If you feel down about the state of the world or depressed because life isn’t fair, rather than following the same…

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