Photosophy (Blog)

  1. Merry Christmas

    December 24, 2023
    Moon over Owen Sound Santa Claus Parade 2023 Merry Christmas! May it bring peace to all. My wish is that we all learn to live with less. Less anxiety, less stress, less money, less stuff, less suffering.

  2. Phoebe On The Beach

    December 19, 2023
    Another attempt at pan-focussing. Unlike the windsurfer (posted on my FB page last week), this subject has quite a few more moving parts that make it more abstract. It captures her energy and length very well, though. This is my grand-dog, Phoebe (Bridgers).

  3. Get Lost!

    December 17, 2023
    Yesterday, two very close friends and I went for a hike to try and find the back corner of one of the friend’s property.  Although we ran out of time and had to turn back before we got there, we did make it to the back fence of the 100…

  4. Is It Sports Photography?

    December 15, 2023
    I’ve started sharing photos I took during my 20 years of teaching at what turned out to be the last version of the same high school I attended, the O.S.C.V.I. (sorry for the “the”, but it deserves it).  The early photos I’ve shared aren’t terribly artistic. So I wanted to…

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