Photosophy (Blog)
Posts tagged with education
Media Monday - Truth and Falsity in Images
2024-05-06 17:18:16 UTCSomething I learned while teaching my Media Literacy course is that our minds have a much more difficult time dealing with images than the written word as there is no truth or falsity in an image. Which is why much of our modern advertising (and now memes) are image-based rather…
Media Monday - “Form and Content Are Closely Related in Media Messages”
2024-03-11 21:16:31 UTCThis week I explain Marshall McLuhan’s idea that “the medium is the message” - that each medium can report the same story but create very different impressions. I also explain how this idea is helpful in understanding how other things work, including school. A place where how we do things…
Media Monday - “The Media Have Social and Political Implications”
2024-03-10 15:12:13 UTCIn this week’s video, I discuss the role media plays in electing our leaders and how media involves us in issues around the world - Marshall McLuhan’s “Global Village”. I also try to explain how this concept and the last one work together in something called the “feedback loop”.
Media Monday - “The Media Contain Ideological and Value Messages”
2024-02-27 21:20:39 UTCAfter taking a week off, #MediaMonday Concept 5 is now up. In it, I discuss how the media reflects and reinforces our worldview, something that is more of a problem today when people choose to create an echo chamber.P.S. I recored the video twice, as I forgot to unmute my…
Media Monday - “The Media Have Commercial Implications”
2024-02-12 22:57:26 UTCThis week’s #MediaMonday is now up. In this week’s edition of Media Monday I talk about money and its effects on which stories get told, how they get told and how they are shared. I also talk about how most of our media is owned by a few giant corporations…
Media Monday - “Audiences Negotiate Meaning in Media Messages”
2024-02-05 22:40:53 UTCIn this week’s Media Monday video I explain how two people can watch the same piece of media and have two very different reactions, the dangers of irony and levels of meaning in “Apocalypse Now”. I also include a “rude” (depending on your negotiated meaning) example of parody from Austin…
Media Monday - “The Media Construct (Versions of) Reality”
2024-01-30 15:37:19 UTCIn this week’s Media Monday video, I discuss the idea that the media, rather than we ourselves, construct our reality. I explain how these constructed messages have attitudes, interpretations and conclusions built in. I question whether the word “real” can ever be applied to the media. And I agree (sort…
Media Monday - “All Media Are Constructions”
2024-01-23 01:13:09 UTCMedia Monday Video #2 is now live. In it, I discuss the first key concept of media literacy which is the idea that ALL, I repeat, ALL media are constructions, including Facebook, YouTube, the video and this post:) Hope you’ll give it a watch and let me know what you…
Media Monday - “To a fish, water is invisible.”
2024-01-18 14:03:10 UTCI’ve finally started making some videos I’ve been planning for quite a while now. The first series is called “Media Mondays” and, when completed, will summarize the 8 concepts I taught in my English Media class. If you understand and apply these 8 concepts to all the media you consume…